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Arena Mechs

Omslag till Arena Mechs


GrafiskformPeter Just Jensen
🎨Ida Mia Thylstrup

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Programmér din Mech og kæmp mod andre Mechs i Arenaen og optjen ære og vind.
Stærke angreb er måske ikke altid vejen frem, så det er godt programmerne ikke er helt fastlåste.

I Arenaen skal du bruge din kløgt til at styre din Mech og smadre dine modstanderes Mechs.

Programmér din Mechs programstribe med 2 programkort pr. programpunkt og kæmp mod andre Mechs i Arenaen. Hvert programkort indeholder 2 actions, men hvert programpunkt må kun aktivere 3 af de i alt 4 actions. Så hver tur af kampen kræver taktiske overvejer og valg i forbindelse med den situation, man står i. Selvom et stærkt angreb er godt, er det måske ikke altid veje frem, siden det mister fleksibilitet.

Slå, skyd, bevæg dig og opererer Arenaen for at optjene prestigepoint og vinde.

Mekanikker: action programming, simultaneous action selection, take that

Program your Mech and fight the other Mechs in the Arena. Hit, shoot, move and operate the arena to earn prestige and win. Powerful attacks may not always be the way to go, so it’s a good thing the programs are not totally fixed.

In the Arena you must use your wits to control your Mech and demolish your opponents Mechs.

Program your Mechs program strip with 2 program cards pr. program slot and go
fight the other Mechs in the Arena. Each program contains 2 actions, but every problem slot may only activate 3 out of the 4 possible actions. So every turn of fighting requires choice and tactical consideration to fit the situation. Even though a powerful attack is good, it may not always be the way to go, since it
looses flexibility.

Hit, shoot, move and operate the arena, to earn prestige and win.

Mechanics: action programming, simultaneous action selection, take that

About the designer:
Peter started out as a role-player, but as you grow older and starts a family, the time is more for
boardgames. Before Arena Mechs, Peter’s only design experience is the Fastaval Game Rush – so
we’re dealing with someone relatively new to all this. Peter has had a lot to do with Fastaval in
recent years, though in more of a techincal/support role. But this was the year the pitch was to be
made, and here we are.
Peter has a preference for shorter games with simple and elegant mechanisms, but lots of depth and
entertainment value. Among the favourites are Azul, Dixit, Loveletter and Labyrinth

Spelat på

Testkörning FE Con (2018)
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Aarhus Brætspilsfestival (2020)

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