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JackPoint: Halloweener Heist

System: Shadowrun
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4-5 spelare


✏️Christoffer Brun Jensen


Welcome back to JackPoint, Chummer:

So there you were just sitting at home waiting for the next run to tick in from your fixer. Why are you waiting for a run? It is simple, that is how you live because you're a shadowrunner.

Outside the law and doing jobs for the rich or despriated. Being a runner takes guts and being ready for anything. But as you sit there pundering, your commlink starts ringing. It is a number you don't have registered but you take it anyway.

"Oi Chummer... I once again, I come bearing gifts. Indfo and the need of runners to take a job. Listen in. The job involves the Halloweeners, and I'll give what I know about them so you don't end up on the inside of a lit pumpkin before you're done with my run."

So now it is in your hands Chummer. Will you take the job or miss this month's rent.

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FE Con (2017)

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