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Omslag till Vidnerne

(aka: The Witnesses)

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4 spelare


✏️Kristoffer Rudkjær
📰Kristoffer Rudkjær

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PDF Scenario [engelska] (1,1 MB)
PDF Scenario [danska] (1,1 MB)


Fire replikanter og deres menneske-politiagent forsøger at skabe et neonlys af håb i Neo Chicagos mørke. Ved at downloade og dermed overtage vidneminder, kan de måske bygge en sag op mod den urørlige yakuzamafia. Men hvad gør det nye sæt mindre ved dem?

I en ikke så fjern dystopisk fremtid plages indbyggerne i den forurenede og overbefolkede by Neo Chicago af forbrydersyndikatet Yakuzaen. Som modtræk har politiet indført et nyt tiltag – vidneprogrammet – hvor replikanter, bioteknologiske vidundere, overtager skræmte vidners minder, og afslører dem i retsager.

Scenariet handler om en gruppe på fire replikanter på en mission om indsamling af vidneminder, der tager dem igennem syreregn og neon-hologrammer i Neo Chicago sammen med deres menneskelige politiagent og med Yakuzaen i hælene. Undervejs kæmper de med hvem de er, og hvad de er for hinanden. For minder i denne sag, giver ikke blot nye personlighedstræk, men også ubehagelige sandheder.

Scenariet er inspireret af Blade Runner, men sat i sin egen verden, og der er ingen krav om at have set en Blade Runner film for at spille med.

Four replicants and their human police agent attempt to create a neon ray of hope in the darkness of Neo Chicago. By downloading and thus taking over witness accounts, they might be able to take on the otherwise untouchable Yakuza Mafia. But how will a new set of memories affect them?

In a not-so-distant dystopian future, the inhabitants of the polluted and overpopulated city of Neo Chicago are tormented by the crime syndicate the Yakuza. As a countermeasure, the police have introduced a new initiative - the witness program - where replicants, biotechnological marvels, take over the memories of frightened witnesses and reveal them in court cases.

The scenario is about a group of four replicants on a mission to gather memories from witnesses that takes them through acid rain and neon holograms in Neo Chicago together with their human police agent and with the Yakuza hot on their heels. Along the way, they struggle with who they are and what they are to each other. Because memories in this case, not only give new personality traits, but also uncomfortable truths.

The scenario is inspired by Blade Runner, but set in its own world, and there is no requirement to have seen a Blade Runner film to play along.

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Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)


Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Vinnare, Bedste Roller
Når din personlighed består af programmering, kunstige minder og andres levede liv, står de eksistentielle spørgsmål i kø. Kan du stole på dine egne følelser? Hvad vil det sige at være menneske? Replikanterne må hver især afgøre, om de blot er deres funktion eller en rigtig person, og spillerne føres med ind i tvivlen.

When your personality consists of programming, artificial memories and the lived experiences of other, existential questions abound. Can you trust your own emotions? What does it mean to be human? The replicants must individually decide if they are just their function or they are a real person, and the players are pulled with them into that doubt.
Nominerad, Bedste Formidling
Den inspirerende tekst holder os fanget fra første til sidste side. Spilleder rustes til både drama og action, og den mørke fremtid set med 80’er briller foldes ud gennem levende beskrivelser af teknologi og samfund. Et stort scenarie formidles effektivt og stemningsfuldt, og vi har lyst til at læse mere.

The inspiring text captivates the reader from the first page and keeps them reading to the end. The game master is equipped for drama and action, and the dark future comes alive as society and technology is viewed through the mirror shades of the 80s. A grand scenario is conveyed both effectively and evocatively and we would love to keep on reading.
Nominerad, Bedste Fortælling
I neon-lysets skær sætter fire replikanter selve deres identitet på spil i deres hverv som ordensmagtens sidste bastion mod korruption og forfald. Mellem missioner og kampe med Yakuzaen udfordres replikanternes eksistensberettigelse og selvforståelse. Gradvis afdækkes forråelsen af det system, karaktererne er en del af, men til sidst kan de vinde friheden til at vælge.

In the glare of neon light four replicants put their very identity on the line in their work as the last guardians against corruption and decay. Between missions and fights with the Yakuza, the replicants are challenged on their sense of self and right to exist. Gradually the brutality of the system the characters enforce is revealed, but in the end they have the chance to win the freedom to choose.
Nominerad, Bedste Scenarie
Den dystopiske 80’er sci-fi setting er en dragende ramme, der rummer både relationsdrama på snuskede synth-beværtninger og hæsblæsende jagter gennem overbefolkede bydele. Under det hele lurer emner som identitet, eksistens og retfærdighed. Spillerne får frihed til at lægge vægt på forskellige aspekter, så oplevelsen formes til gruppen som en replikant til sit formål.

The dystopian 80s sci-fi world is a captivating setting that contains both relationship drama at sleazy synth dives and breakneck chases through overpopulated city districts. Beneath it all lurks subjects like identity, existence and justice. The players are given the freedom to put the emphasis on different aspects as the experience gets tailored to the group like a replicant to its task.
Nominerad, Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil (Andenpladsen)


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