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Who´s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? - Who´s among us!?

System: World´s Without Number
Deltagare: 1 SL, 3-5 spelare


✏️Jamie Bowden


You were told it was a simple job; cross the border, kill a few kobolds and morlocks, go to town, party with the loot funds and get back to the Adventurer’s Guild for the payday. Good times with good friends.
And then that accursed fortune-teller claimed that one of you is a shape shifting Grimm in disguise. Now you’ve all brushing it off as a carnival joke; after all, you guys are all battle brothers of hundreds of adventures (and misadventures), no man eating, inhuman fiend could impersonate any of you lads and not be found out, right? And yet, you can cut through the suspicion and suspense with a knife.
Now, how you are supposed to fulfil your secret mission so that your companions don’t find out?
A WWN game for 3-5 players of a sworn brotherhood of adventurers turning on each other due to personal secrets and star-crossed conspiracies.

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LepreCon XLI (2022)

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