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LepreCon XLI (2022)

LepreCon XLI

Plats: Goldsmith Hall, Trinity College, Dublin, Irland 🗺️
Datum: 20. - 22. maj 2022

Del av: LepreCon

Om konventet:

Hey Gamers, It's Time. It's Official. We're Back Baby.
Despite a two year delay caused by The End of the F***ing World, Leprecon is back! We are back in our old home of Goldsmith, where we hope to welcome all you wonderful nerds from the 20th to the 22nd of May, for a fantastic weekend of RPGs, board games, card games, war games, and more! We cannot wait to see you all, in-person, having a blast playing some fun games.
Oh yeah, did I not say that? IT'S GONNA BE IN PERSON HELL YEAH (god I'm excited for this). We are working to ensure that the convention will be as safe as possible for everyone, which will include a Covid policy which is still in progress and will be updated as the world continues to... well be the world as we've come to know it.
I cannot fully express how much I'm looking forward to seeing you all there. Take care


Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf Rory O'Driscoll Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf MicroRPG
Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf vs Serial Murderer Steve Buscemi Rory O'Driscoll Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf MicroRPG
Frostpunk: This Still Cold World Jack Carey FATE
Grant Howitt´s Once Upon a Crime Daire O’Carroll Grant Howitt´s Once Upon a Crime
NecronomiCon: Convention of Ultimate Evil Alan Armstrong
Cormac McKinstry
Neon Bleed Phil Doyle Masks: A New Generation
Pipe Dreams Dylan Breheny Monster of the Week
Red Hooks' Tourney Brendan Murphy Low Fantasy Gaming
Ruins of Yesterday´s Tomorrow Finn Jaksland Star Trek Adventures
Shia in Space Rory O'Driscoll The Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf MicroRPG
Shoreleave Davy Spratt Star Trek Adventures
Star Wars Muppets: The Phoobian Menace Gerry McEvoy Star Wars 1st Edition (WEG)
The Heartsfall Phil Doyle Heart: The City Beneath
The Mysterious Mysteries of Mysterion Manor Colm Ryan D&D 5th Edition
The Other Way Ian Power Homebrew
The Planetary Auction Síofra Ní Lochlainn LARP
The Revenge of Doctor Apocalypse Síofra Ní Lochlainn Masks: A New Generation
Third-class Seats to Nowhere Dylan Breheny D&D 5th Edition
Tower of the Elephant Brendan Murphy Low Fantasy Gaming
Weekend at the Prophet's Sean Leaney Root
Who´s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? - Who´s among us!? Jamie Bowden World´s Without Number


Con Director Níamh Kearney

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