Louis Martinus Kehlet
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
Under frie stjerner: Vinnare, Specialprisen
Et foruddefineret handlingsforløb bliver kompromisløst fyldt med reelle valg, når rollerne former deres eftermæle som helte eller terrorister. Både moralske dilemmaer og detaljer fra kampscener har betydning for, hvilken af de 32 mulige slutninger det ender med.
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Lotusriget visner: Nominerad, Bedste Roller
Rollerne ER scenariet, og rummer et hav af muligheder, intriger, konflikter og handlingstråde, som spillerne kan gå på opdagelse i. Rollerne manifesterer scenariets tema og fremstår levende og involverende.
The roles ARE the scenario, and introduce a plethora of oportunities for conflicts, intrigue, and storylines that the participants can explore. The themes of the scenario are strongly represented in the characters, that are presented in a lively and involving way.
The roles ARE the scenario, and introduce a plethora of oportunities for conflicts, intrigue, and storylines that the participants can explore. The themes of the scenario are strongly represented in the characters, that are presented in a lively and involving way.
Lotusriget visner: Nominerad, Deltagernes Pris (Andenplads)
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Tåge over Neo Xin: Vinnare, Specialprisen
Dommerne begejstres over, at scenariet formår at bringe harmoni i et asymmetrisk ensembledrama. Selvom den ene spiller kun har én rolle at tumle med, mens de andre har tre, føles Allike aldrig som hovedpersonen, men som en ligeværdig medspiller. Grebet giver plads til flere typer af spillere i en velfortalt og kompliceret intrige.
The jury is impressed that the scenario manages to create harmony in an asymmetric ensemble drama. Even though the other players are issued with three characters, the lonesome Starling never feels overpowering, but always as an equal. This simple tool allows for different player types in a well-told and complicated intrigue.
The jury is impressed that the scenario manages to create harmony in an asymmetric ensemble drama. Even though the other players are issued with three characters, the lonesome Starling never feels overpowering, but always as an equal. This simple tool allows for different player types in a well-told and complicated intrigue.
Tåge over Neo Xin: Nominerad, Bedste Fortælling
Et kæmpestort og komplekst mysterie vækker Neo Xins neonoplyste gader til live. Efterforskningen af den organiske sandkasse fyldt med intriger og forviklinger tilpasser sig den enkelte afvikling, der vil være vidt forskellig fra gang til gang. Magten over fortællingen og hele scenariets ensemble ligger tydeligt hos spillerne.
A sprawling and complex mystery brings Neo Xin's neon-lit streets to life. The exploration of an organic sandbox filled with intrigue and intricacies adapts to each run of the scenario that will differ vastly each time. The power to define the narrative and, in fact, the entire scenario is unmistakably entrusted to the players.
A sprawling and complex mystery brings Neo Xin's neon-lit streets to life. The exploration of an organic sandbox filled with intrigue and intricacies adapts to each run of the scenario that will differ vastly each time. The power to define the narrative and, in fact, the entire scenario is unmistakably entrusted to the players.
Tåge over Neo Xin: Nominerad, Bedste Scenarie
Når Kommisær Allike kommer til Neo Xin for at jagte ulovlig AI-aktivitet, får spillerne lov til at boltre sig i en imponerende sandkasse blandt alle klasselag i megabyen. Et atypisk ensembledrama, med velfungerende investigation, hvor fortællingen ikke er givet på forhånd. Summen er i den grad større end sine enkeltdele.
When Detective Starling comes to Neo Xin to hunt down illegal AI activity, players are let loose in an impressive sandbox amidst all social classes of the megacity. An atypical ensemble drama, with well-functioning investigation where the story is not decided in advance. The sum is definitely greater than its individual parts.
When Detective Starling comes to Neo Xin to hunt down illegal AI activity, players are let loose in an impressive sandbox amidst all social classes of the megacity. An atypical ensemble drama, with well-functioning investigation where the story is not decided in advance. The sum is definitely greater than its individual parts.
Tåge over Neo Xin: Nominerad, Deltagernes Pris (Delt andenplads)
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