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Knutepunkt (2025)

Plats: Quality Hotel Entry, Oslo, Norge 🗺️
Datum: 13. - 16. mars 2025

Del av: Knutpunkt

Om konventet:

With great power comes great responsibility. The epic story of co-creation continues! In March of 2025 we assemble yet again!

From every corner of the universe, the secret lairs and hidden kingdoms, the heroes of Nordic larp will come together, and through our powers of co creation make the amazingness that is KNUTEPUNKT.

And while one superhero is wonderful, we all know that it gets even better when we assemble them! Through coalition and collaboration we go from good, to GREAT!

The squad of heroes nesting in the frozen Norwegian mountain sides will do their best to facilitate space for you to do just that and make that happen; co-creating, collaborating, contributing and coming together to make this the most legendary Knutepunkt possible.

There will be plenty of opportunities to show off your epic superhero powers, in both big ways and small, before and during the event. If you feel uncertain about how to do your part, DO NOT FEAR! We will guide those who need it on their path to find their team, whether it is with The Synchronizers, the Flame Lords, The New Immersionists or someone entirely different!

“Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
- Iron Man

"I think that we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, it's a verb."
- Robert Downey, Jr.

Larpers, assemble!


Dance of Destruction Nina Runa Essendrop Blackbox LARP
Dying Debate Meghan Gardner
Kjell Hugaas
💾 Huset der blev Vådt – Director's Cut Jost L. Hansen Call of Cthulhu Hjemmelavet
Other Minds Alex Brown
Nina Runa Essendrop
Sign Kathryn Hymes
Hakan Seyaliogliu
LARP UK Freeform
Subspace: the Final *Final* Frontier Chance Feldstein LARP
Supers Anonymous Ingrid Bjørnstad LARP
The Language of Plants Omi-peah Ryding
Roman Schramm
💾 The Lesser Players' Tale Kathryn Hymes
Jason Morningstar
Caroline Murphy
[…]Lizzie Stark
John Stavropoulos
The Mystery on the Fable Express Cecilia Dolk
Elli Åhlvik
We Are Not Vampires Kathryn Hymes
Caroline Murphy
Lizzie Stark
John Stavropoulos


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