The Waiting Room of Lost Souls
System: LARP Nordic-influenced
The Smoke (2019), Theatre Delicatessen, 2 Finsbury Avenue, London, Storbritannia
The Smoke (2022), Theatre Delicatessen, London, Storbritannia
Some of them are long gone. Some of them are dead. Some of them only ever existed for a few moments. But all of them have unfinished business.
These are the characters that we play when we larp, the alter egos that we wear for a time and then set aside when we are done. But for them, existence goes on, and their hopes, dreams and goals persist as they are held in an unchanging limbo awaiting the next time they are needed.
But now, things are changing, in the Waiting Room of Lost Souls; and these poor unfortunates have a chance at agency. A chance to see their goals reached, and their dreams made real. Join us in fun, lighthearted exploration of wish fulfilment for the fictional, as these characters return to try to seize their chance at contentment.
Content Warnings: Players will have a chance to set taboo subjects before character generation to allow safe play.
Costume (optional): If players wish to bring character defining props or costume, they are more than welcome to. Players do not need to have a character in mind before arriving, and no props are required, but the option is there.
Presented by
John Shockley (UK): John is a long time larper, having written, organised and played games since sometime soon after the Mesolithic period. He is a narrativist and immersionist, and is often found haunting international blockbuster larps, scaring the youngsters with his intimidating demeanour and scruffy looks. When not disturbing the locals, he is often found planning new larps, talking about larp or raising the next generation of larper.
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