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(alias: Sign: A Game About Being Understood)

System: LARP UK Freeform
Deltakere: 6-12 players

Arrangert av

Thorny Games


✏️Kathryn Hymes
✏️Hakan Seyaliogliu

The Smoke (2018), Theatre Delicatessen, 2 Finsbury Avenue, London, Storbritannia

ArrangørMo Holkar

Lucky Consequences (2018), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannia

ArrangørHaplocke Sixpence

The Smoke (2019), Theatre Delicatessen, 2 Finsbury Avenue, London, Storbritannia

ArrangørHaplocke Sixpence

Knutepunkt (2025), Quality Hotel Entry, Oslo, Norge

ArrangørKathryn Hymes


(Freeform larp)

Golden Cobra Submission:

Most Recent Version available at:

Sign is a game about being understood. It's a non-verbal larp exploring deafness and the origins of Nicaraguan Sign Language for 4-5 players lasting 2 hours.

Tags: Language, Silent, Freeform


Nicaragua in the 1970s had no form of sign language. If you were deaf, you had simple gestures with a trusted few, likely nothing more than a form of pantomime you negotiated with your family to meet basic needs. In 1977, something happened. Fifty deaf children from across the country were brought together to an experimental school in Managua. Without a shared language to express themselves, the children did the only thing they could – they created one. In Sign, we follow a small piece of their journey.

Sign is a game about being understood. It’s a non-verbal larp exploring deafness and the origins of Nicaraguan Sign Language. Together, as a group of young children and their teacher, we will share the frustration and loneliness of not having a language. We’ll slowly develop the tools necessary to express what’s important to us. We will explore which words we choose to define together, and what that says about ourselves, our deepest desires, and the relationships we build.

_Play Style_

The game takes place in a classroom of children ages 7-10 and a teacher, using pre-defined characters, minimal props, high levels of improv, and freeform play. It is entirely silent. Every character will have a short character sheet and relationship goals.

There will be warm up exercises to get used to playing in silence, followed by three classes, three recesses, and a final class. There will be a verbal debrief after the game to share your experience.


No costuming required, but the characters are all children in the 1970s. Feel free to portray that as and how you wish. Wear clothing you can move around in - for recess! If you have concerns about mobility or physicality, please contact

A note from the designers, Kathryn Hymes and Hakan Seyalioglu: “A game that features silence may seem challenging on first read. However, with every run, we’ve been absolutely amazed by how quickly the players develop language and have an experience that is both fun and moving. Silence is an important tool for empathy. Don’t let the quiet scare you, embrace it!”

Sign is free to download, and has a gorgeous card edition for $20. Both can be found here, along with information about their other games about language:

Awards and Recognition 2017 Indiecade Finalist: Selected out of 1000 games. Best Free Game: Indie RPG Awards Most Innovative Game - Runner Up: Indie RPG Awards Game of the Year - Runner Up: Indie Game Developer Network Honorable Mention: Golden Cobra Awards

Sign is a game about being understood. It’s a non-verbal larp exploring deafness and the origins of Nicaraguan Sign Language. Together we will share the frustration and loneliness of not having a language. We’ll slowly develop the tools necessary to express what’s important to us. We will explore which words we choose to define together, and what that says about ourselves, our deepest desires, and the relationships we build.

An encouraging note from the designers: “A game that features silence may seem challenging on first read. However, with every run, we’ve been absolutely amazed by how quickly the players develop language and have an experience that is both fun and moving. Silence is an important tool for empathy. Don’t let the quiet scare you, embrace it!”

Nicaragua in the 1970s had no form of sign language. If you were deaf, you had simple gestures with a trusted few, likely nothing more than a form of gesture you negotiated with your family to meet basic needs.

In 1977, something happened.

Fifty deaf children from across the country were brought together to an experimental school in Managua. Without a shared language to express themselves, the children did the only thing they could – they created one.

In Sign, we follow a small piece of their journey.

Content Warnings: Light descriptions of child poverty and disadvantaged backgrounds/upbringing.

Presented by
Haplocke Sixpence (UK): I started LRPing about a decade ago, and have mostly crewed fest and small-to-medium LRPs. I’ve also played some, but in recent years have explored freeform LRP formats. Which I now love.

Spilt på

Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
The Smoke (2018)
Lucky Consequences (2018)
The Smoke (2019)
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
Knutepunkt (2025)


Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)

Nominated, Honorable Mentions
Kathryn Hymes and Hakan Seyalioglu’s game about deaf Nicaraguan children in the 1970s is direct and unflinching. Sign dares to take up a difficult subject, and have players understand a small part of a real journey that transformed thousands of lives. It centers on agency, connection, and the struggle of understanding each other in a silent world. The ambition of such a game is certainly applaudable, if a little on the nose. We’d be curious to know how people from these marginalized communities would relate to this game.

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