A Spotless Mind
System: LARP
Deltakere: 10 players
Prolog (2016), Culturen, Västerås, Sverige
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016), Långholmens Folkhögskola, Stockholm, Sverige
Prolog (2020), Culturen, Västerås, Sverige
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How do people act and react when they don’t have any memory of who they or the people around them are? What happens to us when we stand with a spotless mind? What do we see as important? Who we have been before we lost ourselves? Or who we might become now, when all possibilities stands before us?
A Spotless Mind is about the core meaning of the concept of identity. It explores what happens when the building blocks that make up our identity is removed and/or rearranged. The larp explores what happens when the person we’ve been, the person we are and the person we might become, not necessarily need to be dependent on each other. Who will you be when the three our separate choices?
Duration: 2-3 hours
Vad är en identitet? Vad händer om de minnen som skapar vår identitet suddas ut? Tillsammans utforskar vi vad som händer när byggstenarna i vår identiteten sätts i rörelse. Vad är vi beredda att glömma och vad kommer vi aldrig att släppa taget om? Tunga och jobbiga ämnen kommer beröras.
❤ En inre resa kring betydelsen av den egna identiteten. #minnesbilder #medskapande #identitetsförlust #triggerwarning
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