Pool of Radiance Resurgent
(alias: DDEX01-13)
System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-7 players, 5th-10th level. Optimalt 5 8th level characters
✏️ | Chris Tulach |
Vorgansharax rules Phlan, using the Cult of the Dragon to extend his noxious gaze. But the green dragon seeks far more than control of the beleaguered town – ultimate power is nearly within reach. Will he reactivate the Pool of Radiance and ascend to greater prominence amongst his kind? A sequel to DDEX1-10 Tyranny in Phlan and Part Two of Under Emerald Claws.
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♻ | Nørdmarked i DGI-Byen (2018) |
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