Dream Askew
Sjanger: Drama, Sci-Fi
Deltakere: No GMs, 3-6 players
✏️ | Avery Alder |
Dream Askew is a diceless, GMless game about building queer community amidst the rubble of the Apocalypse.
Dream Askew gives us ruined buildings, ruined faces, loaded handguns, psychic powers, heartbroken underdogs and turbulent skies, asking "What do you do next?" Imagine that the collapse of civilization didn't happen everywhere at the same time. Instead, it's happening in waves. Every day, more people fall out of the society intact. We queers were always living in the margins of that society, finding solidarity, love, and meaning in the strangest of places. Apocalypse didn't come for us first, but it did come for us. What happens next? Dream Askew is a diceless, GMless game about building queer community amidst the rubble.
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♻ | Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) |
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