Heaven Over the Castro
(alias: 17th and Market)
Sjanger: Drama, Novellescenarie
Deltakere: 1 GM, 8 players
✏️ | Countess Dillymore |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (0,2 MB) |
In 1980s San Francisco, a defrocked priest meets a youth who thinks he is chosen by God. An aging drag queen tries to be a better father. And a spirit of lights walks the streets, spreading joy, love and abandon.
Heaven Over The Castro is a game of intersecting storylines and improbable meetings, which explores spirituality, queerness and prayer.
"Danny always felt at home in the End-Up, the sweat dripping from the ceiling, the bass shaking the floor. Tonight, though, he saw an angel on the dance floor, with golden eyelashes framing icy blue eyes."
Heaven over the Castro is a game about queerness, prayer and spirituality. It follows eight people as they discover faith, flesh and friendship in 1980s San Francisco.
We’ll follow the story of Danny, who thinks he is called by God, and Adrian, a priest he meets in a club. We’ll tell the tale of Carlos, who wants to live life but finds himself solving others’ problems, and Ted, a drag queen who wants to be a better father. And we’ll explore the story of a Spirit of Lights, who walks the streets of San Francisco, spreading love and passion.
The story unfolds in a series of two-person scenes, most of which play simultaneously. All scenes are set at tables, where you act and talk as your character: hence, playing Heaven Over The Castro is something between playing a LARP and a tabletop RPG. Told through intersecting storylines, improbable coincidences and fantastic visions, Heaven over the Castro aims for a positive but bittersweet experience. It asks what spirituality and queerness mean in the modern world and whether they can live together.
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Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) |
- Novellescenarie
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