Forest Ghosts
System: LARP
Deltakere: 8-30 players
✏️ | Jackson Tegu |
We will play as the ghosts of dead trees. Our wooden tree bodies now gone, our spirits are free to dance as we never have before, twirling through each of the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
You’ll choose one of 9 cards depicting trees native to the Cascadia region of North America, and identify as this simple being. Instead of working with a plot or story arc, your goal will be to explore and embody your character through partner and solo dance.
Features an introduction to blues fusion dancing, an intimate partner dance style.
Originally written for The Olympia Blues Convergence, Forest Ghosts has been adapted for the Fastaval audience.
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♲ | Fastaval (2016) |
- Oprindelig skrevet til Olympia Blues Convergence
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