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Above Your Station

Forside til Above Your Station

System: LARP
Deltakere: 12-22 players


✏️Laurie Penny


Welcome to Weybridge: a washed out, half-empty space station and tourist trap at the edge of the galaxy. Nothing exciting has ever happened here – until now.

For the first time in history, an alien race has chosen to make contact with humanity – right here. These as-yet-unseen beings are expecting to be greeted by the best and brightest of the human race – and presidents, royals, religious leaders, tycoons and diplomats are descending on Weybridge.

Well, that was the plan. But something has gone wrong with the wormhole. And the only people actually on the station are a bunch of cranks, tourists, conspiracy theorists and space hobos – and you.

Improvise Wildly! Negotiate for the future of the species! Don’t panic!

Tagline: A sci-fi political farce: ‘In The Loop’ in space.
Where: The 5th Floor
When: Saturday 17.00 – 21.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 12-22
Language: English

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Blackbox Cph (2025)

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