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Once Upon a Time in Space

Forside til Once Upon a Time in Space

System: LARP
Deltakere: 16-24 players


✏️Tjalfe Chessni
✏️Martin Andreas Dahl Sinding


A group of lowlifes, outlaws and desperados, who are caught on a cruiser hurtling through space, must contend with rising tensions when one of their fellow passengers are shot dead in the dark. With a killer on the loose everyone is on edge and are trying to direct the blame at anyone else, old alliances are bound to break only adding further fuel to the fire.

In this western inspired sci-fi murder mystery the focus is on building tension and getting out alive rather than bringing anyone to justice. Come along with this eclectic crew of loudmouthed criminals, where high stakes bargaining and witty comebacks are essential for your survival, lest you find yourself at the end of a las-revolver, when this powder keg inevitably explodes.

Tagline: Scoundrels trapped with a murderer – its about to explode.
Where: The Grand Stage
When: Saturday 11.00 – 15.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 16-24 (must be an even number)
Language: English

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Blackbox Cph (2025)

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