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Wolves Tear Out The Dragon’s Throat

System: Genesys
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-5 players


ArrangørSean Leaney


Word travels across the stars: The royal family are dead. A council of
generals now rules the Empire. On this provincial world, the Imperial
garrison commander has fled to join the other wolves for a piece of the
dragon’s carcass.
With the Empire’s guns turned inward, the provinces’ knives are coming
out. You have all found common cause in this moment, and you are not
alone in your desire to take the Imperial garrison and seize the Empire’s
means of control.

Many-winged songs call out from the firmament, harmonising with the
laments of disgraced soldiers, the battle-cries of the Empire’s old enemies,
and the droning command-chants of ancient machines.

Beneath the fortress, the needle pinning this world to the Empire’s silken
cloak, something begins to move – the barbs on the needle’s tip, poised to
rip this world open on its way out.

Spilt på

Gaelcon (2024)

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