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Kafka’s trap

Forside til Kafka’s trap

System: LARP
Deltakere: 5 players


✏️Anna Mayfat
✏️Jan Vávra

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PDF Scenarie [engelsk] (6,7 MB)
PDF Scenarie (printout) [engelsk] (0,6 MB)


Kafkaesque – Oppression – Disempowerment

In the world we live in The Party controls everything, making life very difficult and scary for everyone. People are given random jobs and have to follow a lot of confusing and strict rules. The Party has also changed history, so no one is sure what’s really true anymore. This has made everyone afraid to say what they think.

You are part of a group of five people who show up to work one day, only to find out your position no longer exists. You find a note saying, “You have been terminated,” which makes you feel very hopeless. Without a job your life has little purpose. What will the others say? But just when you think there’s no way out of this tough situation, you find a ray of hope in a newspaper ad. It’s for a job interview, but the ad is mysterious. It simply says, “Come for a job interview.” So, that’s where you are headed now.

Duration: 3 hours

Spilt på

Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)

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