Deal or No Deal
System: LARP
Deltakere: 4-8 players
✏️ | Melissa Song Loong |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (1,3 MB) |
Intrige – Identity – Politics
A team of finance pros works round the clock to convince a European government to sell a pivotal company. But sensationalist, conflicting headlines dominate the news.
These developments have the team scrambling to make sure none of the parties lose interest. The European government’s demands may change based on information that’s out there. Meanwhile, the buyer starts getting cold feet…
As the screws are turned up, you start wondering if all team members are rooting for the same cause. What you want and how you get there are starting to become blurry.
Is it as easy as it seems to keep your cool while maintaining a pleasant, composed appearance? Or is a little bit of drama not that bad to get your way? And, importantly – where do you concede for the sake of the deal?
A cross between Suits and Industry, Deal / No Deal focuses on a group of financial professionals working on behalf of a rich foreign investor.
What will you do to close the deal?
Duration: 1 hour
Spilt på
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024) |
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