Years have passed since they departed
System: Amber
Deltakere: 4-6 players
✏️ | Edith Barrowcliffe |
You are a resident of Amber City. You have lived through the attacks from Chaos. You survived the terrible storm the night the King died. You witnessed Oberon’s funeral cortège departing. Most of the royal family were not there to see it, they had already ridden out from the city into the beyond – to take the war back to Chaos, rumour said. They have not returned.
Only Gérard remains. Regent on the dead king’s throne. Peace has returned, slowly, in the time since. And normality, of a sort. But the city and its citizens remain marked by the events of seven years ago. With a troubled populace, and a threadbare City Watch, small community networks and groups have sprung up – keeping an eye out for trouble, linking those willing and able to help with those in need, or simply providing mutual companionship and understanding. Their shapes and forms vary, but they have become part of the fabric of the city.
Characters should be citizens of Amber, and have been resident there for most, if not all, of their lives, without having had direct contact with the family. They will have 3 defined abilities which could suggest an Amber style stat, a skill, or maybe even a minor mystical ability*, but these are nowhere near Amberite grade.
* Subject to GM approval, and I would avoid any mystical abilities liable to get you lynched as a Chaosian.
All players will be asked to complete a short questionnaire in advance of the game.
Themes may include war, politics, religion, community in its positive & negative forms, death (including suicide), social injustice.
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AmberCon NI (2024) |
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