ShadowWorld Mainline
System: Amber
Deltakere: 1-8 players
✏️ | Edwin Voskamp |
ShadowWorld Mainline is a diceless roleplaying game technically based in our world, except that, under the facade of media, politics, political correctness and 'reality' there is a ShadowWorld where strange things happen: psionic powers, ancient secrets, dark conspiracies that are hidden from or dismissed by the general public. It has grown to encompass realms and creatures of myths, religions, legends, and more. The playing field is our reality, but about a trillion years old and 600 billion light years across. And it's not the first one.
The players are psionically gifted operators once of a secret organization but these days pursuing their interests on their own recognizance.
Though an ongoing world setting, it is an episodic campaign: new players are welcome.
Game will start on time and run late: I expect, and will work hard to, end in no more than 1 hour from the scheduled end of the slot.
CONTENT WARNING: ShadowWorld involves many adult themes, in particular, if you take (your) religion seriously, playing ShadowWorld likely is not for you.
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AmberCon US (2024) |
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