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Camelot: The Tournament

System: Amber
Deltakere: 3-6 players


✏️John Czarnota


I've run stand alone adventures set in Camelot for the last 5 years or so at various cons. This is one of them.

You inhabit the castle of Camelot. You could be a knight, a servant, a noble... whatever. Named characters that are a part of Arthurian lore are welcome - but Arthur and Merlin are off limits.

This is a low magic world. Merlin excepting, magic effects are pretty limited, and being associated with magic makes people distrust you at best, consider you Satan-spawn at worst. Thus any magic backgrounds should be covered with me first. Likewise artifacts are extremely rare and not very powerful. Excalibur might be 1 or 2 points on the Amber scale. (You can have an artifact but keep it mild).

This year: Camelot has had great success in unifying the countryside. Peace and prosperity reign! Long live king Arthur! To celebrate, the king has announced a tournament. Jousting, fencing, fighting Hazaah! Fun will be had by all... What could possibly go wrong?

More character construction details will come once selections are finalized.

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AmberCon US (2024)

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