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Normal Love

System: Blackbox LARP
Deltakere: 6-15 players


✏️Nina Runa Essendrop


Love can come in many forms. There’s romantic love, love for family and friends, and a lot of other kinds of relations where love can be experienced and explored. Love can have a broad variety of qualities; the wild, the fragile, the subtle, the dependable, the destructive, the ecstatic, the playful. Love can be difficult, love can be wonderful, and love can fill our lives in a million ways.

Normal love is an abstract poetic non-verbal larp exploring different kinds of love through movement and physical interaction.

Through three acts the players will play three different types of love relations (family, friends, and romantic love). Each act will explore a specific quality of love and each player decides which relation will have which quality.

The qualities of love are represented through different styles of movement and physical interaction.

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Blackbox Cph (2024)
Grenselandet (2024)

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