Social Media DeCryptid
System: LARP
✏️ | Liz Stong |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (4 MB) |
Styles of Play: Freeform larp, Larp, Pervasive Game/Public Play
You are all cryptids, going about your days. Living as a cryptid is a pretty sweet deal. You get to hang out in the woods with your cryptid friends and watch the humans go about their days. In particular, the ones who come to the most beautiful places in your woods only to take pictures of themselves with their little picture boxes seem to have the most fun. You’d never tell your other cryptid friends this, but you secretly want to try taking pictures as well. Luckily for you, today when you and your friends were out for a stroll, you bumped into a group of humans. While you didn’t get a chance to ask them what “like and subscribe” meant, they did leave their phones behind in their panic. It’s time to live your best cryptid influencer dreams. However, as a cryptid, you don’t know what goes into a typical social media post. You do know that you only show up in blurry and grainy photos, so that must be the key. Did you take a beautifully framed and focused shot? Get that nonsense out of here! Only the most unflattering selfies or the blurriest of landscapes will get likes for you and your friends alike.
Tags: hiking, cryptids, social media
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