A Wake in the Dream of the Last Drawer
System: LARP
✏️ | Christopher Tang |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (2 MB) |
Styles of Play: Freeform larp, Larp, Streaming/Online Face to Face
The last time a character is drawn for all time they receive a funeral in the dream of the Drawer who did so. The characters who knew them and still live come to eulogize them and have a funeral. Captain Valor was a minor player in the 1940's and was soon forgotten. Now not even the reprints could keep him alive so the comic characters who remember him come to pay their last respects.
Tags: funeral, forgotten, comic, hero
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Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
Winner, Most Loving Dedication
June Tarpé Mills, Jackie Orme, Chu Hing, Matt Baker. Many women and minorities in the early American comics era have gone barely recognized, their work left to languish in attics and archives. A Wake in the Dream of the Last Drawer stages a funeral for Captain Valor, a near-forgotten hero no longer being drawn in comics. The scenario lets the players give fictional eulogies to this vanished character, which also serves as a metonym for so many other creators' characters who are now receding into the recent and distant past. The silliness and seriousness of the scenario cannot be separated from each other.
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