Scales of the End
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-5 players
Tommi Majapuro |
Tags: Aimed at adult attendees, Beginner friendly, Theme program, English or finnish
Styles: Light game style, Rules light, Story driven
In some way or another, a group of people have found their paths crossing. Some looking for silver, others for salvation and some forced into action. With the world coming to an end, one may risk their life for a chance to turn its tide. Could it be possible to reach the shimmering fields, or will all be gone into nothingness? Don't take it too seriously, you might just die thinking about it.
Mörk Borg is a dark fantasy game with old school influences. The game has a dark story, but light rules to make the game smooth. So dark it actually becomes funny again. Chaos is likely, so is character death.
Content Warning: Violence, Scary themes, Potential Character deaths, Mature topics (which may include drugs, sex etc.)
Be sure to Inform GM about possible things/phobias you don't want to be included in the game under any circumstances.
Content warnings: Väkivalta, maailmanlopulliset teemat, ötökät, hämähäkit, kehon kauhu
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Ropecon (2023) |
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