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St James the Avenger Pt1:The Promise of Relief

System: LARP Call of Cthulhu
Deltakere: 12 players


✏️Erica Rodger
✏️Matthew Watkin


It’s done. The war is over. Hitler and his side have been defeated, and as for you – You get to go home. Most of your friends weren’t so lucky. You’ve seen men die, alone in the mud and screaming for their mothers. You’ve seen what this war has done. Of your entire squad, only eight of you survived, and not all in one piece. It’s been a long fight, and you need time to recover.
As a small reward for your bravery, one of your commanding officers has arranged some recovery time for you in hospital. Your wounds will be tended to, and you’ll receive counselling for the things you’ve seen, as well as the company of pretty young nurses to cheer you up. It almost seems too good to be true.

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Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)

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