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St James the Avenger Pt2: By Any Means Necessary

System: Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players


✏️Erica Rodger
✏️Matthew Watkin


Fifty years ago, you escaped the horror. You survived the war, and you survived St. James’ Hospital. You tried so hard to forget what happened. Now it’s time to go back.
It seems like only yesterday when you swore you’d never return, but the police are stumped: an entire ward of thirty five patients, six nurses and three doctors, all dead.
You’re not as young as you were back then, and you’ll need every ounce of cunning you possess to get through this a second time. But it will be nice to see the old gang back together – what’s left of you. It looks like you’re the only ones who could figure this out.

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Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)

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