Corridor of DoOm
System: Paranoia
Deltakere: 1 GM, 6 players
✏️ | Peter O'Brien |
Alpha Complex Emergency!
A newly constructed corridor's utility hangs in the balance.
Everything on the build was going fine.
The structural work was completed with 0 fatalities.
The painting and decorating was completed with 0 fatalities.
The security systems were installed and activated with 0 fatalities.
The final electrical work was left incomplete with 30 fatalities.
Then the computer sent in another team of electricians.
The work was left incomplete with 30 fatalities.
After 137.5 fatalities, the work is still not finished.
You are the last clone team of electricians to be sent in to finish the wiring before it becomes more cost effective to just use repair droids.
And the Computer really loves its repair droids.
Remember, Safety is Mandatory!
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Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012) |
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