Operation Mongoose
System: GURPS Special Ops
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Paddy Delaney |
“The target is Omar Ahim Ibrahim known as ‘The Desert Snake’. He is at the heart of a vast web of drug and arms trafficking, human slave trade, stolen military hardware, intelligence and the list goes on. His interests, holdings and businesses are spread all over North Africa, Southern Europe and the Middle East.
You have the full dossier in your hands.
Reliable intelligence sources have informed us that his operations have been af-fected by the recent upheaval across North Africa and Syria. Desert Snake will be out in the open in Tangiers for the first time in two years.
Your mission is to enter Tangiers, acquire the target, extract him at all cost and return him to us.
You have two days to plan and execute the mission. All our resources are at your disposal.
Good luck. “
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Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012) |
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