The Last Will and Testament of Dr. Ramsey St. John.
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4-6 players
✏️ | Robert Fox |
✏️ | Frances McQuillan |
Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness that you are to receive this. Our dear friend and cousin, Dr. Ainsley Marcus Ramsay St.John, has taken ill with a terrible case of consumption. He fears that his life is soon to draw to a close, and so calls together his closest friends and family for a final meal before he draws his last, and to discuss the execution of his will, while he is in a fit state to do so – the date of this event will be the 30th of October.
Please dress accordingly for a feast which Dr. Ramsay St.John happily lays at his guests’ feet. We hope to see you then, for an evening that we guarantee will not be unpleasant.
Best Regards,
Martha McCardle,
Head Maid and Steward
A horror game written for 4-6 players by Frances McQuillan and Robert Fox.
Rating: Mature
Tags: Horror.
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Games Weekend (1991) |
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