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Titansgrave: Gateway to the spires

System: Fantasy A.G.E.
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4-6 players


✏️Nick Whyte


You police this city. Vorakis is the last city before the broken spire mountans and the ruins of the saurian empire. You’ve seen it all or at least you thought you had. but you haven’t seen anything like this. it isn’t just the grizzly nature of the murders. Its the fear on the streets, The way it seeps from the pores of the city to bathe the populace in terror. This isn’t bad it’s evil. It’s almost like the prophet Dhwawn is coming back somehow and everyone can feel it in their bones.

You have to stop these murders at any cost if only to keep the lady from changing into the lord…because if that happens there won’t be a sense of wandering dread. Rivers of blood will run in the streets to wash the murderer away.

A Fantasy A.G.E. game for 4 – 6 players by Nick Whyte.
Rating: Mature
Tags: Science Fantasy. Investigative.

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Gaelcon (2016)

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