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Suffer The Little Children.

System: Chronicles of Darkness
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4-5 players


✏️James Lloyd Jones


Ireland. 1965. The Taoiseach met his counterpart from the north this year. We entered the Eurovision. They’ve started saying Mass in English. That’s the one that matters to you, the one that affects life in St. Joseph’s Industrial School. Otherwise, nothing changes, here – the uniforms are still drab, the days are still long, and the brothers no less cruel. It’s a cold October, and you stood in the wind until your teeth chattered while they lowered James Fitzgibbon in the hard ground. There’ll be no talking back to Father Murphy now.

Not while you can still hear Jimmy screaming at night.

A Chronicles of Darkness game for 4-5 players by James Lloyd Jones.
Players should be advised that this game deals with subject matters that may disturb some players.
Rating: Mature
Tags: Horror. Investigation. Historical

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Gaelcon (2016)

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