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Blood and Iron: A Trick of the Light

System: Modified Victoriana 1st Edition
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-8 players


✏️Dudley Martin

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Word Scenarie [engelsk] (3,6 MB)


The year is 1864. The rescued Britannian intelligence agent has dire news. The Prussian Thaumaturgical Academy is working for some dire underworld power. With that power they seek control of dark magiks to continue the fight for control of Europa. But all is not yet lost. Deep within the locked archives of the Academy library there lies a Grimoire, the Ars Theurgia Appollyonicus. You must venture into the dark heart of Prussian Thaumaturgy and retrieve it. Within it lies information needed to combat not only the Prussian Thaumaturges, but clues as to what or whom controls them. The fate of the Empire and all of its people lie within your hands. Are you ready?
A Modified Victoriana 1st edition game for 3 – 8 players by Dudley Martin.
Rating: Teen
Tags: Steampunk, Historical, Investigative, Mad Science, Lovecraftian elements

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Gaelcon (2016)

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