Island in the Sun
System: Hunter: The Vigil
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Eoin Staunton |
Dear Mam,
I know things have been really hard for you since Dad passed, and I know me getting in trouble at school hasn't been helping. I'm really sorry, I've been trying, honestly. I think it's better for us both if I go away for a while. I'll only be gone for a few weeks, I just need to clear my head. Please don't make a big deal out of this, if you get the police involved I'll be gone way longer. Just trust me, OK? I'll be back before you know it and things will be better, I promise.
All my love,
February 17th 2017
Spilt på
Itzacon XIII (2017) |
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