One Piece: Bayou of Nightmares
System: One Piece D20
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Patrick Roach |
Envy, Greed, Vengeance… these irrepressible feelings are rooted deep in the heart of man. As long as there is treasure in this world, these things will never be satiated. Every island on the Grand Line can feel like its own little world. The weather, flora and fauna all jump about with no rhyme or reason. Within a few day’s slow sailing, you could go from blazing desert to a land of pure ice. There is only one rule in that place: always follow the Log Pose. However, a strange fog has begun to lift from the area and the hazy outline of land seems to run contrary to the Pose’s directions. For most Pirates, this would be a clear sign of danger to avoid at all costs. For the Fatal Wolves Pirates (their Captain anyway), it just looks like fun!
A One Piece D20 game for 5 Pirates voyaging through the Grand Line.
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Itzacon XIV (2018) |
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