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Crossroads: Hell is Other People

System: LARP Dead of Winter
Deltakere: 20 players


✏️Hanna Bechar


Written by Hannah VII
A Dead of Winter Larp for up to 20 players
Society has collapsed, the government is gone, we are alone, mostly. The dead walk among us.
It's insane, but then again so is everything these days. So there you have it. If the biting of reanimated corpses looking for a meal and the soul-crushing reality of biting cold weren't enough, now there is a new threat.
Bandits have set up shop in the shadow of our little community. Things had just started to look up, but now nothing is certain. The cold and the dead we could manage. But the malice and greed of our fellow humans is a whole different ball game.
What is that old horror twist? Humanity is the true monster... and hell... hell is other people.

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Itzacon XIII (2017)

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