The Riddle of Gromril
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Padraig Murphy |
For years Gromril has been the cherished reserve of the Dwarfs, and they have guarded the metal and its workings most jealously. Deep in the cloying Reikwald forest, however, a collection of the Reikland's best smiths, wizards, and alchemists seek to change that. The first few fragments of Gromril forged by human hands have already made their way to Graf Frederich von Loenwald, the patron of this grand and clandestine effort. But the Graf is not a trusting man by nature, and the messages from the nascent forge seem almost too good to be true. Someone will have to travel in person to test their claims, and determine once and for all if the Riddle of Gromril has truly been undone.
A game for 5 players by Podge Murphy
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Itzacon XVI (2020) |
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