Vampire: The Ambitious
System: LARP
Kristoffer Post Rindahl Byriel | |
Søren Svarrer |
The year is 2023, it’s been a quiet cold winter in New York, the last of its kind.
A great Clan is gathering in the shadows, and it has decided that New York will be its battleground. A large metropolis prone to corruption, makes feeding an easy task.
It’s also in international waters, no Clan has firm control, which is great if you want outsiders influencing the gathering.
But why are they gathering? You see this Clan, called Nephilim, they have been crusading across the world for almost 2000 years. This crusade is against magic, specifically mages. And after 2000 years, their Clan no longer works as intended, their enemies still survive and their goals no longer align.
So they will meet in New York for one grand Covenant that will take years and can lead down many roads including reform or civil war.
The other Clans however, selfish and ambitious, want to meddle, to change Nephilim for their own agenda.
And in all of this is you, a Clan loyalist. Doing the bidding of your lord while achieving your own goals. Will you come out on top? Or drown in the inadequacy of your own blood?
New York is after all the best place to be best, and the worst place to be the worst.
Good Luck.
Antall ganger spilt 🗺️
11. mars 2023 | 🗺️ | Ungdomshuset, Odense, Danmark: Session 0 |
15. april 2023 | 🗺️ | Ungdomshuset, Odense, Danmark: Session 1 |
13. mai 2023 | 🗺️ | Ungdomshuset, Odense, Danmark: Session 2 |
17. juni 2023 | 🗺️ | Ungdomshuset, Odense, Danmark: Session 3 |
- The LARP Campaign takes place once a month in Odense, Denmark at Ungdomshuset. The age requirement is 16.
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