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System: LARP


✏️Nandor Laklia


The English translation of Kontinuum (Continuum) from the official game pitch:

Number of players: max 20
Age limit: 18+
Premier: no (2018)
Duration: 4 hours
Viewing point: murder mystery
Playwright: Jean-Philippe André Caquet's play translated and adapted by Nándor Laklia

"My God, we seem to have run out of time!"

Once upon a time, there was a future in which mankind finally mastered the art of time travel. A new, glorious age of peace, a wonderful world of love and harmony... well, that has not arrived, because the end of the world is coming soon.

The game is set at an extraordinary general meeting of the Royal Society of Time Travelling Ladies and Gentlemen (IHUKT), during which we discover who among its members is behind the terrifying time paradox that is about to destroy the universe. Of course, all time travellers are responsible for some kind of paradox, but which of them is behind the events? Can we stop the end of the world?

The clock is ticking...

Spilt på

III. Kamara LARP hétvége (2018)

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