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Suicide Squad: Operation Catfight (With Extreme Prejudice)

System: Cortex System RPG set in the DC Universe
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5-6 players


✏️Feargal Keenan


Ladies, you may wonder about the shortage of testosterone at this table, well it’s simply put that this operation requires a woman’s touch. You’re headed for the Middle Eastern nation of Bialya (yes Quinn, Road Trip) in order to find the source of the off world technology being supplied to super villains all over the world. We’ve tracked it to Bialya and their leader Queen Beatriz, since she can control men with her thoughts we decided to send in the Girl Power option. It’s extremely dangerous but the fate of the world rests on you shoulders.
The rules still stand ladies, if you are captured or the 2 hours 47 minutes runs out your implanted neck bombs will explode and kill you spectacularly
however if you succeed we’ll knock years off your sentence.
Waller, Out.
Rating: PG-13

Spilt på

Gaelcon (2014)

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