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Paragon of Animals

System: Paranoia flavoured by Portal 2 and X-COM: ENEMY UNKNOWN
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players


✏️James Lloyd Jones


“Commander Johnson here. You fine folks at the Council of Funding Nations need not be concerned; here at X-Com, we know how to fend off an alien invasion on a global scale. Other military institutions accept recruits following a period of rigorous training that only sees them on the field after months of simulation. Good enough for regular forces, not good enough for X-Com. Here we only accept the finest products of Darwinian hiring policies. We start with a rookie and rifle, and send them to learn firsthand on the frontlines. Now, you may think the 10% survival rate is steep, but lemme tell ya - you do not want to approach that 10% unannounced from the rear. Lost three therapists that way. Just make the cheques out to X-Com. We’re between banks right now.
Commander Johnson, we’re done here.”

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Gaelcon (2012)

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