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Rain of Lies

System: Legend of the Five Rings


✏️Padraic Barrett


The magistrate sat alone in the temple, his head bowed as he offered up a silent prayer for guidance. He had come here as an arbitrator, to resolve a bitter dispute between two neighbouring daimyo before blood could be shed. Instead, he found himself a prisoner in a web of lies and intrigue that threatened to force him to choose between his duty and the life of his son.
A sigh escaped his lips and he rose to leave, but as he straightened a sudden tumult erupted on the roof above him and he froze. Rain fell from the heavens in a torrential downpour and as it did, for the space of a heartbeat the flicker of a smile haunted his face.
Such rain as this had brought him to this place, why could it not bring others as well?

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Gaelcon (2011)

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