Trust the Computer! The Computer is your Friend!
System: Paranoia
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Andy Agnew |
Andy Agnew |
You are a Troubleshooter! Congratulations! As a Troubleshooter, you are a member of Alpha Complex’s most expendable elite force. Tasked with finding trouble and shooting it, you will be hunting mutants, terrorists, traitors, [CLASSIFIED], secret societies, renegade bots, and DAIVs, which are [REDACTED]. You’ll save Alpha Complex from its greatest threat, unless you accidentally become Alpha Complex’s greatest threat. You look worried, citizen. Relax! It’s still Paranoia. The year is still 214. You still have six clones and a laser pistol. The Computer is still your friend
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BeAcon IV (2018) |
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