Don't Fear The Reaper
System: World of Darkness Mass Effect
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Ciarán O'Brien |
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A game for 5 players by Ciarán "Sarky" O'Brien Uses WoD system.
Although Saren and his Geth invasion were stopped, the price was
steep- The Citadel is heavily damaged. Wreckage from Saren's flagship, Sovereign, has demolished whole Ward sections and C-Sec is too short-staffed to keep order everywhere at once. Great news for criminals like you. Crime is up and moving openly has never been easier.
Your boss has a new job- Steal some advanced tech left by Sovereign's destruction. Kill whoever tries to stop you. Don't get caught.
And above all, enjoy your work, because otherwise what's the point?
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Warpcon XXI (2011) |
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