Love and Hatred
System: Scion
Deltakere: 1 GM, 18 players
✏️ | Siobhan McKenna |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (0,1 MB) |
It is with a heavy heart that I write this note. The war does not fare well. The Titans gain ground with every passing moment and with the Tricksters on side, they have turned even more towards treachery. Your eldest brother has fallen into their hands and I fear that he is lost to us. Watch for yourself and your remaining siblings and take strength from each other. When the Tricksters are at play, search for the hidden truth within the lies. I cannot tell you more but know that I will be ever ready to stand by you in this final battle.
With strength and honour,
your Father.
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ConFESS (2008) |
- According to the author it was a very odd game of Scion - there were three tables, each with up to six individual characters (1 table were god, 1 table of demigods, 1 table of heroes) - all from the same families, and they could call on each other for help. It worked out epically - massive 18 player showdown at the end.
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