System: Star Trek 2d20
✏️ | Amy Williams |
Captains Log, stardate 47253.6 We are responding to a distress call from a Vulcan Expeditionary Group on Trax Epsilon I. We lost the signal one day ago but are still enroute. The distress call read "We require immediate assistance, atmospheric conditions have proven too hazardous to the expedition to continue. One team lost, their coordinates are enclosed. Two members of the expedition remain here at base camp T'Vral. We request the nearest Starfleet vessel make contact and extract us. Message Repeats
This is a scenario from the Modiphius Star Trek Adventures Strange New Worlds book. You will be playing the away team of a federation star ship responding to a distress signal. It will contain peril and mystery.
Characters will be provided so come along and explore strange new worlds, seek out new life, and new civilisations and boldly go where no-one has gone before.
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UK GamesExpo (2023) |
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