Storm Warning
System: QuestWorlds Glorantha
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
Ian Cooper |
As air rushes to fill the 'gap' left by the Windstop, Ygg's frozen winds that blow at hurricane strength along the Manirian coast. As Ygg's loud, keening, 'funeral winds' blow toward Dragon Pass, they drive the seas before them, raging in protest as storm batters sea. Now that storm surge threatens to drown Handra, the city of Seven Isles. Running for port before the storm, the crew of the Dignity find themselves trying to save the people of the city they call home from the wrath of the sea.
A QuestWorlds Glorantha scenario for 2-5 players. No experience of Glorantha or QuestWorlds required.
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Chaosium Con (2023) |
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