Hollywood Lives - The British Summer of Love 1968-69
System: LARP Hollywood Lives
Deltakere: 12-30 players
Arrangert av
✏️ | Kevin Jacklin |
✏️ | Reiner Knizia |
Extraordinary Consequences (2011), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannia
Kevin Jacklin (Lead GM) |
Suggestions for additional movie titles, or other forgotten stars, directors or producers of the era will be gratefully received. Here are some to be going on with. On the night, depending on numbers, six to eight trailers will be shown.
Movies� � A Man, a Horse and a Gun � Barbiturella � Feloni�s 8� � Hippy Hippy Bang Bang � Keep Calm and Carry On! � Mellow Submarine � Planet of the Grapes � Porn Free � Sleazy Rider � The King�s Road � The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Lorry Driver � The Sicilian Job � Tonite Let�s All Make Love in Luton � Where Beagles Dare
Male Casting� � Albert Hatchplot � David Nivea � Dudley Cooke � Keef Jaguar � Sir Larry Oliver � Len Coach � Michael Payne � Peter Basement � Sean Flannery � Steve McSheen
Female Casting� � Barbara Floors � Cecelia White � Diana Blackman � Dame Hannah Seagull � Jane Fondant � Lauren Sofia � Lisa Martinelli � Twiglet � Una Stumps � Ursula Andrex
Extra Casting� � Alex Stout � Chris Plumbline � Chubby Zucchini � Jan Dean � Jo Kerr � Lee Marvel � Leslie Lazenbody � Lolo � Noel Howard � Pat McNeehan
Casting: let me know if there is anyone in particular who you would like to portray, and if they are not already taken then I�ll be happy to allocate them to you. But don�t worry if you turn up on the night uncast � you won�t be disadvantaged in any way.
Hollywood Lives requires no particular advance preparations by the players, although as noted elsewhere if there's a particular character that appeals, then the GM will be happy to reserve them for you. Digging out & bringing along spare costumes and props to use in the event is also encouraged (and appreciated!), although some will also be supplied on the night.
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Extraordinary Consequences (2011) |
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