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To say nothing of the Groom

Deltakere: 15-21 players


✏️Roger Gammans

Bizarre Consequences (2008), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannia

ArrangørRoger Gammans
ArrangørSu Jolly


Today is the wedding of John and Juliet . The Rumour is that Juliet's father is to reveal to John the secret Relish recipe today upon which his company is founded. What other family secrets might be revealed on the day?

But like all weddings the curse of family brings together people who in some cases should never meet. Add in a few gatecrashers just for the party and you are sure that sparks will fly and make this an occasion talked about for a long time to come. This could turn out to be the wedding of the century and possible even several centuries.

You wouldn't miss it for the world.

This game is set in the late 1860s somewhere in Yorkshire, be prepared for surprises , and perhaps some mysticism and science.

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Bizarre Consequences (2008)

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